Written on 12/10/2023
Derby Cathedral are pleased to report that the Church Commissioners and the Charity Commission have approved the Cathedral’s draft constitution and statutes, and therefore are ready to enter into a consultation period with the Cathedral community and wider stakeholders. This is an exciting step forward in becoming a registered charity and is an essential part of the charity registration process.
In 2021, the Cathedrals Measure 2021 received royal assent following its passage through the General Synod of the Church of England and Parliament. Under this Measure, all English Cathedrals are required to become charities registered with the Charity Commission and the consultation is part of this process. The Measure introduces significant reforms to the governance of cathedrals. This was last reviewed over twenty years ago.
This process now enables the Cathedral community to feedback to Cathedral Chapter of the new constitution and statutes. The statutory consultation period will last 28 days and is the chance to comment before the Cathedral fall under the obligations of the new Measure
To prepare for the Measure, Derby Cathedral has prepared a draft Constitution and Statutes. The Constitution will be the governing document of the Cathedral and the Statutes sets out further detail on how the Cathedral will operate. We now offer these drafts for public consultation.
You can download the draft documents here. Paper copies can also be collected from the Cathedral Office or the Derby Diocese in Church House or upon request from the Verger Team in the Cathedral. To minimise cost and paper use, we encourage you to view the documents online.
Please send any comments on the drafts to the Chief Operating Officer via email: carol@derbycathedral.org or write to the Chief Operating Officer, Derby Cathedral, 18-19 Iron Gate, Derby. DE1 3GP.
Public consultation is now open. Any representations must be made in writing by email or letter and must arrive before 5.30pm on Wednesday 8th November 2023
The Cathedral Council and Chapter will take account of representations made, before finalisation.
Visit us
Derby Cathedral,
18-19 Iron Gate,
Call: 01332 341201
Email: office@derbycathedral.org
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We're open
Sunday 08:30 – 18:15
Monday 08:30 – 18:30
Tuesday 08:30 – 18:30
Wednesday 08:30 – 18:00
Thursday 08:30 – 18:30
Friday 08:30 – 17:00
Saturday 09:00 – 17:00
Registered Charity Number: 1207768.
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