Written on 29/01/2025
We are delighted to announce that we have achieved our Fairtrade Church award from the Fairtrade Foundation which reflects all of the hard work that goes into embedding Fairtrade within our Cathedral life, which goes beyond simply just using Fairtrade products.
As well as using Fairtrade products wherever possible, such as on Sundays after the Cathedral Eucharist, and Fairtrade communion wine, Derby Cathedral actively promotes the values of justice, sustainability, and ethical trading within the community. Some of you will be aware that we hold regular Fairtrade stalls inside the Cathedral, throughout the year and especially around the Christmas period, encouraging members of the Cathedral Community and members of the public to purchase Fairtrade items as gifts to others. We sell an excellent variety of Fairtrade gifts, chocolate, coffee, socks and decorations for all times of the year.
In recognition of Fairtrade Fortnight, as well as holding Fairtrade stalls, we also provide leaflets about Fairtrade and our volunteers enjoy answering customers questions about the products and producers. They particularly enjoy talking to customers about the artisans and how women support their families by home working for a fair wage, as well as how the farmers Fairtrade premium supports communities.
Fairtrade is woven into the fabric of Cathedral worship. We regularly pray for a fair share of resources to all people on God’s earth, and give thanks for those who work with communities enabling them to be self-supported. We share Bible passages that emphasise fairness and justice in trade.
We also tie in Fairtrade themes to seasonal events such as Christmas (by selling Fairtrade Christmas gifts), Easter (by selling Fairtrade Easter eggs and chocolate) and Harvest Festival (by encouraging members of the Cathedral congregation to donate Fairtrade goods to charities in need).
A huge thank you to Monica, Cathedral Warden, and the Revd Maureen Pridden, Chair of the JPCC, for assisting with the application.
Visit us
Derby Cathedral,
18-19 Iron Gate,
Call: 01332 341201
Email: office@derbycathedral.org
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We're open
Sunday 08:30 – 18:15
Monday 08:30 – 18:30
Tuesday 08:30 – 18:30
Wednesday 08:30 – 18:00
Thursday 08:30 – 18:30
Friday 08:30 – 17:00
Saturday 09:00 – 17:00
Registered Charity Number: 1207768.
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